Academics & Activities
- Spanish Immersion
- Musicians At Play
- School 2 Home
- Student of the Month
- PBIS P.A.W.S. Awards
- Citizenship
Semester Awards—K-8th Grade
- Perfect Attendance
- Academic Achievement
- Outstanding Effort
8th Promotion Awards
- Top Scholars
- Most Improved
- Academic Subject Areas
Special Events and Sports Programs
- Kids 4 College and Team Prime Team After-School Programs
- Sports Teams for Girls and Boys
- Holiday Spirit Performance
- Winter Formal Dance
- FDP PTA Community Movie Night
- District & School Site Science Fairs
- District-wide & School Site Spelling Bees
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay, Speech Contests, & City-wide activities
- Field Trips & 8th Grade Activities
- College Fair & Career Day
- Active Parental & Community Involvement
- District Advisory & School Site-Council
- National Parent and Teacher Association (PTA)
- I Have A Dream Program
Join the PTA! Our Phenomenal PTA has provided a Parent Resource Center on our campus. Meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. For more information, please call the main office at 310-680-5430.
P.A.W.S (Pride . Attitude . Wise Choices . Safety)
PBIS P.A.W.S Assemblies are held each month for Grades TK-8th.
Kids 4 College and Team Prime Time After-School Programs
Both Kids 4 College (TK-4th Grade) and Team Prime Time (5th -8th Grade) are free after-school programs that offer academic and enrichment support that activities from the school day and beyond.